Practicing Growth Mindset

I was really impressed yesterday with my daughter's interactive notebook's very first page on Mindsets!   She was overjoyed and I was thrilled that she "schooled" me on having a growth mindset.

I know a lot about practicing my own growth mindset. My company offered training which I took full advantage of.  And at one point, I even wanted to be a coach.  Then I found myself putting it off, having problems, traveling and just thinking that I don't have time for that.  Ideas without actions are just dreams!  I can make time if it's important enough.  And that's really what having a growth mindset is all about it.

What is Growth Mindset?

"Check yourself before you wreck yourself" -- Ice Cube

A growth mindset simply means that your talents can be developed with practice, strategies and help from others.  In action, you channel your thoughts away from negativity and stagnation by thinking from a continuous improvement perspective.

Here's the example, from my daughter's 6th grade class:

Practicing a growth mindset demands that you pause and self reflect, then put your positive thoughts and affirmations into energy and activity.  Once you move through feeling deficient... you start to feel like you have all that you need.... you feel that you CAN accomplish your goal and move towards your potential being realized.

Why should you practice having a growth mindset?

Because you need confidence to live a full life.  It's a need that we all have.  When you don't have confidence, you have self-doubt.  Sometimes, you have self-doubt from poor childhood attachments, from criticism or failures.  Self-doubt will make you worry, you may underprepare because you feel you can't do it anyway, and it could lead to anxiety or depression (especially if you began to feel guilty from continuously having self-doubt).  Your self-doubt will reveal itself in your conversations, your efforts (or lack there of) and your appearance.  If people see this in you, they will anticipate that you will give up, waste their time or waste their money; they will be less likely to believe in you or to continuously help you achieve your desires.

But when you HAVE a growth mindset, you have self confidence that DESPITE your mistakes, your flaws or where you are right now in the game, you WILL level up.  You are exploring and gaining knowledge about what works or doesn't work.  You aren't afraid of failure.  You are open-minded. You try new things.  You seek to understand and not to be understood. Read that latest sentence again. Pure confidence.

Let's think about others.
Who do you know that has a growth mindset and who should start practicing it?
Can a 6th grader have Esteem, Explore or experience Self Actualization?

Let's self reflect.
When you self-talk, do you pause and notice your physical reaction?
What's something recently that you doubted about yourself and had to remind yourself of?
What's something that you used to have low esteem about as a kid or in your past but got completely over?

Go Do
Tell someone you trust about one thing that you doubt about yourself and ask them to give you encouragement.  Ask them to speak slowly so that you can listen and confirm what they are saying.  Take deep breaths.  Look them in the eye.  Repeat what they are saying so that it is clear that you are listening.


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