Life is like a box of … water…

Life can be as empty or as full … as clean or as dirty…. as filtered or unfiltered or as flavored or unflavored as you make it.

We must balance it.  It will tip.  We must adjust.

My own life has been filled with many ups, many downs, everyday struggle and some major game changers.  As the saying goes, I’ve seen some “things” and been some “places”.  I’ve often been advised that I should write a book about my life… being the child of teen parents, my childhood in poverty, being an intellectual teenage thug, being in special operations, being a software development manager, and traveling with two children.… aspects of my life that shaped me but not without me doing some shaping of my own.  Through it all, I’ve always felt like I won.  I tend to carelessly chide “I don’t know how” but in all actuality I do and explaining how may do me (and others) some good.  

One consistent nagging thought to myself every single day is “you must make the difference”.   I think.  I plan. I discuss.  And I do.  Then I pray.  I reassess.  I fine tune.  I self reflect and I repeat sometimes 3 or 4 times a day but from different angles, with different people on different levels and most times on 3 or 4 different matters.  I will my desires with every neuron in my mind, my heart and my soul and when I’m tired… I think one more thought or I do one more thing.

This blog is all about my journey and the tools and techniques that I use to navigate work and life to harmonize my responsibilities and passions with fluidity, satisfaction, and mindfulness.

I hope that my audience finds it helpful in managing teams and projects, in being their authentic selves and facing whatever life may bring.


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